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Theatre On-Call: A Cultural Counter-Virus is Spreading...


“As someone born in Italy and as an immersive theatre practitioner whose practice is based on crossing the city and being close and intimate with others, I am deeply shaken by the current world situation related to the spread of COVID-19, as I’m sure all of us are. I feel the urge to respond and find a way of still being together while in isolation.”

 - Daniele Bartolini, Artistic Director DLT


Istituto Italiano di Cultura and DLT announce “Theatre On-Call”, a festival of contemporary, interactive performances occurring over the phone and other digital platforms, a way of keeping connected during these uncertain times.


While we are unable to connect physically during these times of social isolation, we can and will continue to connect- with our voices. Envisioned as a sort of counter virus, that spreads generating artistic responses and connecting and supporting audiences and artists.

All Theatre On-Call performances are PWYC. All funds go directly to artists who lost work due to Covid-19










































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Playlist d'artiste - Corrado Paina (Sunday, August 2 @ 8pm EST)

An intimate look into the career of an artist.

Join us as Corrado Paina shares his inspirations and the works that have made him the artist that he has become!


Corrado Paina has lilved half of his life in Toronto. The first half was spent in Milan where he was born and lived in several other cities in Italy and around some parts of the world. Now he is a painter and writer.  He runs the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Ontario. Corrado has published several books of poetry and a novel in Italy and Canada. In the last twenty years, he has been commuting between three countries and plans to do continue doing so for the time being.


reserve your spot HERE



Ongoing Activities with Multiple Time Slots


How to Improve Life in Your Living Room (anytime upon booking. Ongoing activity for 6 days with daily tasks)

DLT artists, Franco Berti and Violante Binazzi, will give you tips about how to improve your life with capturing life moments, documenting artistically and what steps you can take to improve your life while confined in your home. This is an interactive project of exchange with audiences and artists. 



Secrets (any time upon booking. 4 phone calls over the span of 4 days)

Give us your phone number. Receive random phone calls from someone. Register with your phone number and receive one to one short performances by Vincent Leblanc Beaudoin available en français and in English. Listen to someone’s secrets while in isolation, be their confidant.

reserve your spot HERE





For inquiries, email us :

View full press release here

April Programming

How To Improve

Life in Your

Living Room

The Human






Decameron Today



It Hurts

I Love You,

Samuel Beckett

Decameron Tomorrow



Make Thee An Ark

Dante's Inferno

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